outsource blogging

outsource bloggingBlogging is a huge part of any digital marketing strategy. We recommend that every practice blogs on a monthly basis and we’ve even provided tips for writing quality blog articles. However, even with a strategic process for writing blogs they still take time to complete, which begs the question: can I outsource my blog copywriting?

The short answer to this questions is: yes. The goal of the blog is to educate, but not in an overly technical way. You need the articles to be written in layman’s terms so the non-MD can understand what you’re saying.

Keep in mind that just because you’re outsourcing the blogging doesn’t mean that you can be “hands off.” The best synergy comes when the doctor can provide some specifics about a given topic. For example, if the article is about non-surgical, anti-aging solutions the doctor would want to clarify his or her ideal treatments, such as Botox/fillers, laser resurfacing, skin tightening, etc, as well as provide a few selling points about what makes their practice stand out from the others. Once the article is written the doctor should spend a little time reviewing to make sure everything is accurate.

Every doctor has their own preference about how their practice, credentials and treatments should be described. It takes a little time to understand this “voice,” but once a copywriter has it down writing articles on the doctor’s behalf becomes much easier.

While it’s perfectly fine for a doctor to outsource their blogging, we always encourage them to consider writing their own blogs. This works best with case study blogs, which are typically shorter in length (as they rely more on photos to showcase the work done). These blogs also allow the doctor to get a little more technical about the details of that specific case study.

It’s important to note that not all copywriting should be outsourced. Real Self, a network that we encourage most practices to be active on, boasts a “Q & A” section where doctors have the opportunity to respond directly to patients. In this particular case we never recommend outsourcing. You cannot replicate or outsource the doctor/patient interaction, even if it’s online.

If you would like to learn more about getting started with or improving upon your practice’s blogging then talk to TRBO today! Just leave us a message here or call 877-673-7096 x2.

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